Following the featuring of the internal political structure of
on the Strange Maps blog, Brian
Hayes asks for the chromatic number of
Rahul pointed out that I made errors in transferring the map to a
graph. Specifically, I missed the borders Schellenberg-Eschen and
Vaduz-Triesen. The post below changes accordingly.
Warning: This post DOES contain spoilers to Brian's question. If you do
want to investigate it yourself, you'll need to stop reading now.
Apologies to those on my planet feeds.
As a first step, we need to build a graph out of it. I labeled each
region in turn with the exclaves numbered higher than the "main" region
of each organizational unit. And then I build a .dot file to capture
them all:
graph Lichtenstein {
Ruggell -- Schellenberg
Ruggell -- Gamprin1
Schellenberg -- Mauren
Schellenberg -- Eschen1
Mauren -- Eschen1
Gamprin1 -- Eschen2
Gamprin1 -- Vaduz2
Gamprin1 -- Schaan1
Gamprin1 -- Planken3
Gamprin1 -- Eschen1
Eschen1 -- Gamprin2
Eschen1 -- Planken1
Eschen2 -- Schaan1
Vaduz3 -- Schaan1
Vaduz2 -- Schaan1
Planken3 -- Schaan1
Planken2 -- Schaan1
Schaan1 -- Planken1
Schaan1 -- Planken4
Schaan1 -- Vaduz1
Gamprin2 -- Eschen3
Eschen3 -- Vaduz4
Eschen3 -- Schaan2
Vaduz4 -- Schaan2
Vaduz4 -- Planken1
Schaan2 -- Planken1
Planken1 -- Schaan3
Vaduz1 -- Triesenberg1
Vaduz1 -- Triesen
Planken4 -- Triesenberg1
Planken4 -- Balzers2
Balzers2 -- Vaduz5
Balzers2 -- Schaan4
Vaduz5 -- Schaan4
Schaan4 -- Triesenberg1
Schaan4 -- Vaduz6
Schaan4 -- Triesenberg2
Triesenberg1 -- Vaduz6
Triesenberg1 -- Triesen
Triesenberg1 -- Balzers3
Triesen -- Balzers3
Triesen -- Balzers1
Triesen -- Schaan5
Vaduz6 -- Schaan5
Triesenberg2 -- Schaan5
Compiling this, we get the graph
Now, with this it is an easy job to get the adjacency graph for the
communes. We can just delete all numbers in the above dot file.
Graphing that, we get instead
Note, however, that the massive duplication of adjacency edges makes
this rather hard to read. So we can just amalgamate all those edges
into one single edge each. So in the end, the Liechtenstein graph
turns out to be
Now, as Brian points out, there is a 5-clique in this map, given by
Schaan, Balzers, Vaduz, Planken, Triesenberg.
Edited: Michael Lugo pointed out in the comments that my exclusion
criterion for 6-cliques is obviously and trivially false. Discussion
below here changed appropriately
If there were a 6-clique in the map, there would have to be 6 communes
each of which have at least 5 edges connected to them. We can
construct the table of degrees for all communes, to see whether this
Balzers: 5
Eschen: 6
Gamprin: 5
Mauren: 2
Planken: 6
Ruggell: 2
Schaan: 7
Schellenberg: 3
Triesen: 4
Triesenberg: 5
Vaduz: 7
So, we have enough edges in Balzers, Eschen, Gamprin, Planken, Schaan,
Triesenberg and Vaduz. This gives us 7 candidates for a 6-clique. Thus
if two of these have too many edges outside this group, we know that
there cannot be a 6-clique in the commune-graph.
Now note that Triesenberg borders to Triesen, so at most 4 of those 5
edges can be within a 6-clique. Also, Gamprin borders to Ruggell, so at
most 4 of Gamprin's 5 edges can be within a 6-clique. Thus the graph
contains no 6-cliques.
Does this, though, mean that we can construct a 5-coloring of the
graph? Try this on:
I would recolor the Liechtenstein map using this color choice, but I
haven't gotten around to installing a decent picture editing program
just yet. That'll have to wait.