Enumerating the Saneblidze-Umble diagonal in Haskell

IMPORTANT: Note that the implementation herein is severely flawed. Do not use this.

One subject I spent a lot of time thinking about this spring was taking tensor products of A-algebras. This turns out to actually already being solved - having a very combinatorial and pretty neat solution.

Recall that we can describe ways to associate operations and homotopy of associators by a sequence of polyhedra Kn, n=2,3,.., called the associahedra. An A-algebra can be defined as being a map from the cellular chains on the Associahedra to n-ary endomorphisms of a graded vector space.

If this was incomprehensible to you, no matter for this post. The essence is that by figuring out how to deal with these polyhedra, we can figure out how to deal with A-algebras.

A tensor product of algebras is basically the direct product of the polyhedra, and we can get precisely the thing we want if only we find a map from the cellular chains on Kn to the cellular chains on KnxKn fulfilling a few neat properties.

This map is what is known in the literature as the Saneblidze-Umble diagonal from the people who presented it in a paper from the late 90s. They describe in that paper, and more clearly in a later paper, how to actually get hold of one map with the right properties. The road goes over basic matrices, derived matrices and connecting matrices to trees describing associations. I'd like to take this opportunity to work through the implementation I just wrote of an enumerator for these, displaying the code and discussing it a little bit.

This post will be written as literate Haskell, so copy the text into a file, and then just save it as SaneblidzeUmble.lhs and you're ready to go.

So, we will build a module named SaneblidzeUmble that shall contain the code:

> module SaneblidzeUmble where

We're going to juggle a lot with lists, and a little with potentially failing calculations, so we're going to include a couple of standard utility function sets too.

> import Data.List
> import Data.Maybe

Permutations and staircase matrices

The issue we'll want to solve in the end is to enumerate all the terms entering into a diagonal on KnxKn for one fixed n. These terms are, using the later to be mentioned terms, in correspondence to derived matrices of staircase matrices with entries from [1,..,n-1]. A staircase matrix is one with one entry for each diagonal (parallel to the main diagonal), and such that along each row and column, all entries are adjacent and strictly increasing down and to the right.

As an example, we have the matrix


Given a permutation of [1,..,n-1], we can write the images in the order they occur, and then just take this as a description of the entries from lower left to upper right of a staircase matrix.

It turns out that the basic matrices involved in this process are in bijection to permutations of [1,..,n-1] by placing the digits into the matrix, going up whenever the next entry is lower, and going to the right whenever it is larger.

Thus, the example above is given by the permutation (32514).

So, to handle this, we need to be able to list all permutations as well as pick out all rising and all falling part runs of a permutation

> type Permutation [Int]
> permutations :: Int -> [Permutation]
> permutations n = permuteList [1..n]

> permuteList :: Eq a => [a] -> [[a]]
> permuteList [] = []
> permuteList [a] = [[a]]
> permuteList list = concatMap (\x -> map (x:) (permuteList (l \\ [x]))) list
This is almost readable as it stands. The permutations of [1..n] are just the permutations of the list [1..n].
There are no permutations of an empty list, the list with one element has one permutation of itself, and for any larger list we pick out one element at the time, permute the rest and prepend this element. The collected results are compiled into a single long list and returned.

Solves, by recursion, neatly and with a lot of connection to the mathematical thought behind it our problems.

Now, for the chopping permutations into monotonic runs, I'll solve it all in a manner slightly decreasing the amount of code repetition. We have a "factory function"

> monotonic :: (a -> a -> Bool) [a] -> [[a]]
> monotonic _ [] = []
> monotonic _ [x] = [[x]]
> monotonic lt (x:y:etc) = if lt x y
>     then (x:s):ss
>     else [x]:(s:ss)
>   where (s:ss) = monotonic lt (y:etc)

and two use cases of this

> risers = monotonic (<=)
> fallers = monotonic (>=)

Using this, we can build the matrix out of a given permutation. The only really interesting thing for the diagonal about such a matrix is the contents of the rows and of the columns, so we shall just use that. This means we can represent a matrix as the list of rows and the list of columns. Since row and columns "look basically the same", they'll be represented by the same type. So we have

> type Row [Int]
> buildMatrix :: Permutation -> ([Row],[Row])
> buildMatrix p = (map sort (fallers p), reverse (risers p))

The reason we use map sort and reverse is to make the result fit with the conventions chosen by Saneblidze and Umble. Note: when actually reading the results, users should take care to read the Columns backwards.

Deriving staircase matrices

Deriving the matrices is done with so called moves. We have a downward move, and a rightward move - both consisting of picking a subset of elements in one row or one column, and pushing them over to the next - given the condition that all the moved elements have to be larger than the largest they move over to. They also have to move to empty positions, but the ordering conditions for the staircase matrices will guarantee that if they really are larger, then the corresponding position is already empty.

So, we can write a a function that gives us all the subsets of the first column/row that might possibly be moved to the second in a given column/row-list of a matrix

> listMovable :: [Row] -> [[Int]]
> listMovable [] = []
> listMovable [a] = []
> listMovable (a:b:as) = filter (not.null) $ subsets (filter (>(m b)) a) where
>   m [] = 0
>   m b = maximum b

This function picks out all the subsets of elements that fulfill the requirement of being larger than the largest element of the next row. But hang on - this subset-function actually isn't defined yet. No worries - it's easily done:

> subsets :: [a] -> [[a]]
> subsets [] = [[]]
> subsets (a:as) = map (a:) (subsets as) ++ subsets as

Again, we define everything recursively, relying on a base case of "blinding" simplicity, and end up with a very mathematical looking description. Here, the subsets of the empty set is just the empty set itself, and the subsets of any set with one element existing in it consists of the subsets containing that element and those that do not contain it. We simply list first those with and then those without.

Now, for the actual deriving move, we might run into a host of trouble, so we'll just let it be able to return an error condition. It first checks a few possible error cases, and then writes down the actual move by picking out the rows it needs, modifying those, and putting it all together again in the end.

Supposing we have some set m we want to move, and we have a list of the rows where it could be moved, then we'll want to first check whether all of m is in a single row together. Thus, for each row, we pick out all elements that are in our set m. But we don't really care for what the elements are - we only need the number in each. So we compile a list of the lengths of these filtered out pieces.

We shall require the number of rows that have all the pieces we want to move to be 1, and also for that single row to have a good position within the matrix.

> moveDerivate :: [Row] -> [Int] -> Maybe [Row]
> moveDerivate rows [] = Nothing
> moveDerivate rows m = returnVal where
>   movableInRow = map (filter (flip elem m)) tr
>   numberMovableInRow = map length movableInRow
>   countRowsWithMovable = length (filter (==length m) numberMovableInRow)
>   indexRow = findIndex (==length m) numberMovableInRow
>   returnVal
>     | countRowsWithMovable /= 1 = Nothing
>     | isNothing indexRow = Nothing
>     | index > length rows - 2 = Nothing
>     | minimum m < maximum (rows !! index) = Nothing
>     | otherwise = moveThem rows m index
>     where
>       index = fromJust indexRow
>       moveThem rows m idx = Just $
>         (take index rows) ++
>         [(rows !! index) \\ m] ++
>         [(sort (rows !! (index + 1) ++ m)] ++
>         (drop (index+2) rows)

That monstrous expression at the end is known as a guard expression. It works through the cases until something actually is true, and then returns whatever is after the equal sign as the value. The conditions I listed weed out all the pathologies, and lets the program pick out something sensible whenever possible.

So, we can list all possibilities of one row, and we can move them. This should be enough to simply generate all derived matrices, right? Let's start simple. Let's start with all we can do on one side of the pair - either all possible down moves or all possible right moves (they are essentially the same anyway...)

> derivedRows :: [Rows] -> [[Rows]]
> derivedRows m = derivedAcc [] [m] where
>   derivedAcc out [] = out
>   derivedAcc out (q:queue) = derivedAcc (out++[q]) (queue++rest) where
>     movables = (concatMap listMovable . tails) q
>     rest = mapMaybe (moveDerivate q) movables

Guiding you through this piece of code - when encountered with a list of rows, we look at each starting point, list all the possibly movable sets at that point, and move the corresponding sets, placing all the results at the back of a queue that we work through. Once the queue is empty, we know we have worked through all the results from all the moves we could find, and that no others can be found.

So, if we have our pair of row-lists? We first move to the right, and then down. At each point, we keep the other half fixed, and simply add it on to all the results of moving in the first part.

> derivedMatrices :: ([Rows],[Rows]) -> [([Rows],[Rows])]
> derivedMatrices matrix@(m1,m2) = nub (derivedFirst [] [matrix]) where
>   derivedFirst matrices [] = derivedSecond [] matrices
>   derivedFirst out ((q1,q2):queue) = derivedFirst (out++new) queue where
>     new = map (flip (,) q2) (derivedRows q1)
>   derivedSecond matrices [] = matrices
>   derivedSecond out ((q1,q2):queue) = derivedSecond (out++new) queue where
>     new = map ((,) q1) (derivedRows q2)

This first works through one direction, taking all derived rows, and tacking on the constant second half, then when that's done, changes to the same but for the other half of the pair.

Now, we're almost able to state what a specific diagonal looks like. There is only one more thing to handle: we might not want the results of a particular computation. More specifically, we recognize something we do not want by it having a row that isn't consecutive, not even when including previously occurring rows. So, we need to check that.

> checkTree :: [Row] -> Bool
> checkTree rows = checkAcc [] rows where
>   checkAcc seen [] = True
>   checkAcc seen ([]:morerows) = checkAcc seen morerows
>   checkAcc seen (row:morerows)
>     | isOK = checkAcc newseen morerows
>     | otherwise = False
>     where
>       newseen = seen ++ row
>       minimal = minimum newseen
>       maximal = maximum newseen
>       length = maximal-minimal+1
>       isOK = (length == length newseen)

Now it's just a matter of putting the pieces together

> diagonalTerms :: Int -> [([Row],[Row])]
> diagonalTerms n = filter checkTrees allMatrices where
>   checkTrees (t1,t2) = checkTree t1 && checkTree (reverse t2)
>   allMatrices = concatMap derivedMatrices matrices
>   matrices = map buildMatrix (permutations n)

Previously, a student of Ron Umble has done an implementation of the same task in C++. This cannot, according to Umble, handle anything larger than n=5. This Haskell implementation, while being surprisingly short and readable, has on my (64 bit, modern, high memory) workstation been able to meet the following execution parameters:

n number of terms execution time memory used
5 46 0.02 s 4M
6 124 0.33 s 62M
7 335 8.77 s 1.9G
8 911 1020 s 441G
